Sunday, March 15, 2009

Paint on the pain

I'm so sore today! I painted for hours yesterday and finally feel like the twins room is coming together! I am almost done the primer coats, the only places that I'm missing are the stairwell and parts I cannot reach. My Dad came over and fixed the broken stairs and now we're on to trying to make doors to cover the access holes. I have to take the twins to their doctor appointment tomorrow morning and then come home and wait for the carpet people. They're measuring tomorrow and then hopefully will install within a week. I still have a lot to do on it and am hoping I can ask just a little more of my Mom, Dad and Grandmother to help me. I hate asking for help. Really. I hate it. But right now I just need it. I especially hate taking help from my Grandmother. She has enough of her plate with one of my Aunts and one of my Uncles business. It just seems like every time I tell her, "No thank you" because I don't want her to spread herself even more thin she almost gets offended. She's told me many times that she doesn't like to be idle, that's what makes her feel old. A few weeks ago I told her that I didn't need help and she called three more times "just to make sure!" I love her so much! I hope I have as much energy as she does when I'm her age.
We're on to night 6 of Matt's turn-around. It's wearing on him, a lot right now. They're running around like mad all night long trying to fix things and make all of the repairs and upgrades before the start up date of Monday, March 23rd. I hope everything goes according to schedule. Usually they let one guy each night go home a few hours early part way into the turnaround so I'm hoping that Matt gets to do that soon. He needs it.
Next Saturday is a family party for all March birthday's which include, Grams, Gramps, Bruce, Laura, Sally and Matt. I am going to call my Aunt who is hosting the party and ask if I can roll Evan's birthday into that as well. I'm also going to see what I can bring.

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