Monday, August 31, 2009
Just can't wait that long...

Lunchin' It
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Half of a Dozen
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dreaming ~

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Outside in our undies!
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nice Rack
I'm not sure what the kids and I are going to get into today. Since my parents are away we might go over and check on their house and play in their yard for a little while since it's sooo much bigger than ours. Speaking of ours, Matt and I are talking again about moving. We may even go look at a house within the next two weeks. Just to take a look and then talk long and hard about what a move would mean to us right now. Speaking of moving, our friends TJ and Molly are in the process of buying a house and we're thrilled for them! It will be such a good change for them, and they sure have worked hard enough for it!
I'm trying to resist the urge to do a little Internet shopping today. I have been comparison shopping for weeks now for a new car seat for Evan and I think I found one on sale since my order at Amazon got cancelled b/c the promo code I used was an error. I knew it was too good to be true but thought I would give it a try anyway. I also need to order one more diaper cover but just don't want to pay shipping on just one cover, but think that I'll have to since I cannot find a store locally that carries them. I want another Bummis Super Whisper Wrap.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
We are more than looking forward to vacation - I hope that the weather is nice. My parents and sister are down there now and Hurricane Bill is messing up the first several says of their stay. The only road down the island is flooded in several places around high tide so it made the end of their 9 hour trip down a little dicey. I hope they have a good time and the weather gets better.
I have so much shopping to do and so little money to do it with. Thankfully the hospital bills that we still have from Madeline and Leah's births and my hospital stays are almost paid off. We're trying to get Matt to pick up some overtime but it's scarce.
Matt and I have started talking about a huge possible change we may end up making and I'm so scared yet excited at the same time. I know that's teasing but I don't want to say anything until we're more sure of what's happening.
I have been getting ready for a yard sale that's coming up on the 29th and am already sick of the piles of yard sale things piling up in my house, it's mostly piled in the foyer and kitchen and the piles just keep growing. I have so much to get rid of. Whatever doesn't sell will not come back into the house unless it's a "high-dollar" item like a bouncy seat that I may be able to sell on Craigslist or at a consignment shop. Everything else will most likely go to the church for sale in their consignment shop.
I cannot believe it but I'm starting to think about Madeline and Leah's first birthday party, and Grace's 4th birthday party. Holy crap - where did the time go?? I am trying to think of a theme and how big of a party we are going to have. I'm leaning towards quite small. We will see. One good thing about the twins turning one is that we will no longer need to buy them formula!!! So diapers and formula purchases every month will be a thing of the past with the exception of a few new cloth diapers here and there! I'm stoked about that!
We are hoping to get up to the mountains for a short visit next weekend - leaving after the yard sale hopefully around 1pm. We all miss Debbi, Rob, and Grandma, not to mention that we need a little change of scenery. Matt is finishing up day works tomorrow, then has Monday off but starts night shift again on Tuesday - Thursday with the following weekend off.
Matt and I have been trying to decide what to do about sending Grace to preschool in the fall. We have her enrolled but are having second thoughts. It's more expensive than I thought it was going to be since they raised the prices from last year, not to mention that Grace would be in preschool this year and next year and then start Kindergarten. Grace has a November birthday so she will be one of the older kids in her Kindergarten class. Plus, we are going to miss orientation and her first day since we will be away. We planned the vacation and reserved the house way before we enrolled her in preschool. So I just don't know what to think. If we don't send her to preschool I want to enroll her in some classes at the Y, like gymnastics and ballet. On a selfish level, I'm not sure I am ready to start the whole "school schedule" just yet. Madeline and Leah aren't walking so I would need to take the double stroller out to drop her off and pick her up. Needing to be somewhere by 9am isn't always an easy task with 4 kids under age 4 so that has me a little worried also.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Oh, Bite Me!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A Cute Video and A Serious Post
What a crazy 2 days it has been! I started cloth diapering Madeline and Leah last week. I bought a different clothes detergent to wash the diapers in and thought they were having an allergic reaction to the new detergent, so until we figured out what was going on we went back to disposables. Then last night all 4 kids ended up with fevers. Grace threw up everywhere and had the highest fever out of all of the kids. This morning she was better and Evan seemed better but both Maddie and Leah still had fevers and the rashes were spreading so I took them to the pediatrician. It turns out that all of the kids have a virus that is in the same category as Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. It's not a big deal and we just have to let it run it's course. Normally I would have just shrugged it off and taken care of the kids and not worried too much, however recently I read about a 17 month old twin who died in his sleep from what could possibly have been complications from Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (You can read about it here, but be prepared to cry. It's heart wrenching. I literally ache for this family.http://martinomadness.blogspot.com/2009/07/18-month-well-baby-appointment.html So needless to say I'm scared and keep checking on the kids every five minutes.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment right near my Grandmother's house so I am going to drop Grace and Evan off there and probably just take Maddie and Leah with me to make it sooo much easier. I should only be gone for about half of an hour so I don't feel TOO guilty about asking my Grandmother to watch them.
I have to order Evan's new car seat from Amazon while the amazing deal is still going on. I cannot wait to get Maddie and Leah into Grace and Evan's "old" car seats since the girls are getting soooo big and have all but out grown their infant seats.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Dirty Diapers!
This weekend didn't go exactly as planned. I have had a horrible migraine all weekend. It started getting really bad on Friday night and I still have it just not as intense. We were happy to see Debbi and Rob this weekend, but not happy that they came down because MomMom went to the hospital. She seems to be a little better now but it was scary none the less. Add that to Grandma's fall on Thursday and it's just been a pretty stressful few days. Thank goodness Matt was home today because I got to sleep on and off most of the morning because of my headache. Then my Mom and Dad stopped by to drop something off and ended up offering to take Grace and Evan to their house for the afternoon!!! I was elated! Grace and Evan had such a good time and it gave me the chance to rest more while Maddie and Leah were napping and then spend a little alone time with them.
Matt goes back to work tomorrow for 4 day shifts and then starts his next week off on Friday! I can't wait to head up to the mountains next weekend and let the kids play and go to visit Grandma.