I feel like I want to really slow down time right now. I am really struggling with Madeline and Leah turning one this weekend. I know I'm going to be a mess. I just really and truly cannot believe that an entire year has gone by already. I cannot believe that my last 2 babies are turning 1. And that I can't call them babies anymore. I am beyond proud that Matt and I have gone from survival mode, just trying to make it through each day to actually enjoying the kids and being able to do normal family stuff. I take all 4 kids shopping alone, to Target, grocery shopping, to the mall, to the railroad for the afternoon to check out the trains and the doctor just to name a few! I rewarded myself today for making it through an entire year with 4 kids under age 4 by getting a haircut and highlights! I have never had highlights before. I haven't ever really had hair long enough to have them.
Grace's Dermabond on her cut came off tonight. And I'm happy with how it's healing for the most part. I don't like seeing it there but it's still new and I'm sure it will continue to fade and heal. It's dramatically smaller than it was when it first happened so I can be thankful for that!
Madeline is walking now!!! She gets better each day and is so proud of herself! Leah has zero interest. She stands up alone for long periods of time and can balance herself to stoop down and then stand back up over and over but just has no desire to walk. She even stomps her feet but won't take that first step! Maybe she'll do it on her birthday!
Matt has the first round of testing for a possible new job on the day we're having the girls birthday party. He should be back in plenty of time, fingers crossed. If he does well on the test he will then have a one on one interview. If he gets the job offer he has A LOT of thinking to do.