Thursday, March 24, 2011

Round and Round

I seem to be spinning on a merry-go-round lately that's not so merry. I cannot keep up. I'm adding things to my "plate" left and right. My biggest things going on right now are keeping people in clean clothes, making sure I get to the grocery store, and other "normal everyday things". Now in addition to those I'm taking the kids to swim lessons on Thursdays and it's pure chaos all day Thursday from the moment I wake up at 5:00 ish until I go to bed which is whenever I literally cannot function any more. I am trying to clean and purge anything and everything that we do not NEED. Toys, clothes, you name it, I'm getting rid of it. I'm getting ready to get rid of a few really nice condition toys for 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 ish age range. I know that I shouldn't have a hard time donating them to the Goodwill but I'd much rather see them go to someone I know. I'm thankful that I have a girlfriend who can use some of the kids gently used clothes, some of which have been worn maybe a handful of times. We are meeting with 2 realtors next week to discuss putting the house on the market so I'm back into the stress of cleaning the house for showings, or at least I hope we're going to have showings. I'm not getting listings of houses on the market from anywhere from Oxford to NJ. We're looking in DE as well but I'm not impressed with the schools there unless they're private schools which we cannot afford to send 4 kids to private school. We have GOT to get out of here. The whole area. I just need to be gone from here. Start fresh. Leave everything and everyone behind with the exception of course being our closest friends! I'm going to very much miss having them just across town. Even though we barely get to see each other, I still feel like it's a blessing to have them so close. Speaking of, I miss them!! We really need to get together but she is starting a new job, actually a 2nd job so I'm sure they're even busier than usual!! But I pray for them that it's worth it and everything works out the way that they need!! Back to what's going on with us....I'm struggling with potty training the twins. I wasn't planning on getting serious about it until May when Grace and Evan were done school and I could devote a week of just hanging at home and getting it done then but the twins have a different plan and want to do it now, so here we are! I 'think' Matt is off on Saturday of this week. By law everyone needs to have one day off every 13 days, so since they're only working 2 shifts, people have to take them in rotation and he got chosen for an early day off this time which means that after this day off, he'll be last for having a day off next time, probably after a whole 13 days in a row. But I'm happy none the less! We have to rearrange our house on Saturday and bring in furniture that we had in storage to make our dining room back into a dining room for showings since it's currently a play room. I also need to buy curtains for my bedroom. Much more to say and many things to add to my list of what's going on right now but Leah is starting to wiggle and I think she needs to potty so off we go! Which reminds me I need more M&M's for rewards for going on the potty!

Happy Thursday!

Monday, March 21, 2011



by Russell Kelfer

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried;
Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate . . .
And the Master so gently said, "Wait."

"Wait? you say wait?" my indignant reply.
"Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard?
By faith I have asked, and I'm claiming your Word.

"My future and all to which I relate
Hangs in the balance, and you tell me to wait?
I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,
Or even a 'no' to which I can resign.

"You promised, dear Lord, that if we believe,
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
And Lord I've been asking, and this is my cry:
I'm weary of asking! I need a reply."

Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate,
As my Master replied again, "Wait."
So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut,
And grumbled to God, "So, I'm waiting for what?"

He seemed then to kneel, and His eyes met with mine . . .
and He tenderly said, "I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead and cause mountains to run.

"I could give all you seek and pleased you would be.
You'd have what you want, but you wouldn't know Me.
You'd not know the depth of my love for each saint.
You'd not know the power that I give to the faint.

"You'd not learn to see through clouds of despair;
You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there.
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence are all you can see.

"You'd never experience the fullness of love
When the peace of My spirit descends like a dove.
You would know that I give, and I save, for a start,
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart.

"The glow of my comfort late into the night,
The faith that I give when you walk without sight.
The depth that's beyond getting just what you ask
From an infinite God who makes what you have last.

"You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that My grace is sufficient for tee.
Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true,
But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I'm doing in you.

"So, be silent, my child, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to truly know me.
And though oft My answers seem terribly late

"You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that My grace is sufficient for thee.
Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true,
But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I'm doing in you.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I took the first picture almost 5 weeks ago and the second picture today. I think I might see a difference in my arms which makes me relieved. I really have been feeling like I haven't been seeing results like I would like for as hard as I feel like I'm working. I've only lost 5 pounds so far.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Whew - what a morning we had. The attitudes in this house have been less than ideal. Actually they've been down right horrible. Cabin fever maybe? We're getting ready to head over to the Y and I simply cannot wait for a few minutes to myself.
I have to break down and buy some new pants but just don't want to spend the money right now. None of my pants fit me except for yoga pants/capris. I bought a new pair of jeans about 6 weeks ago and they don't fit me now either. My body is changing a lot right now and don't want to waste more money buy another pair of jeans that won't fit right in another 6 weeks. But I'm sick of being in black yoga pants all of the time, granted I have 4 pairs of black pants and 2 pairs of black capri pants but it's still a little annoying to wear them every day.
I hope the kids behave in the child care center today. I really need an hour to myself. Matt didn't come home last night until about 7:30 so I was on my own from the moment the kids eyes opened until I put them to bed. Matt didn't see them at all and Evan especially takes that out on me a lot. But that's a whole other post entirely.
I better get moving and over to the Y before the kids kill each other and we end up in the ER instead of the gym.