Leah and Madeline playing in Evan's room yesterday - they had so much fun! (Sorry about the fuzzy photo - I took it with my cell phone!)

I have been so busy lately and haven't had the time to blog. I also haven't been returning phone calls, emails or anything else so to those that I have neglected - I apologize. I don't do it because I don't care or am just rude - I literally cannot find the time! Things have been going well here - just super busy!! Madeline and Leah now have 2 teeth each, they're starting to think about crawling, Evan is testing the waters with potty training, Matt is working a lot, there have been baby showers, birthday parties and going-away parties to attend, not to mention everyday things with the 4 kiddos! This afternoon I'm taking the kids outside to run off some energy and swim in the pool. Tomorrow is Matt's last day of work for a week -
woohoo!!! We're trying to plan out how we're going to attend Matt's brother Chris's wedding in October in North Carolina. I'm hoping we can think of something! LOTS more to say but Grace and Evan are finishing lunch...